Dental and smile aesthetics- Smile Design
In modern lifestyle, oral health provides a kind of “social passport” to achieve general improvement in living standards.
This is ensured by maintaining healthy teeth, gums and other perioral tissues, the harmony of which contributes to the overall positive facial image.
It is known after all that that bright teeth with correct mouth alignment contribute to a bright and beautiful smile, an attractive element in any type of interaction.
At STOMA GNATHOS, the full possibility of correcting or redefining the overall oral and smile aesthetic image is provided using the “tools” provided by modern dentistry.
The overall result can be framed by mild interventions on the lips and the adjacent perioral area (placement of fillers) carried out by an in-house specialist doctor.
Resin and Porcelain Veneers- Cosmetic Gum Surgery
In cases where the gums are excessively exposed when smiling (gum smile), when there is no symmetry between the tooth borders and the free border of the gums or when they are swollen due to various causes (medications, hormonal factors, poor oral hygiene, etc.), correction can be made painlessly and without any post-operative difficulties for the patient with the use of fine specialized tools, Laser, radio waves or other techniques and applications in order to achieve the best possible result.
Σε περιπτώσεις που τα ούλα αποκαλύπτονται έντονα στο χαμόγελο (ουλικό χαμόγελο), που δεν υπάρχει συμμετρία στα όρια δοντιού με το ελεύθερο όριο των ούλων ή όταν αυτά είναι διογκωμένα από διάφορες αιτίες (φάρμακα, ορμονικοί παράγοντες, κακή στοματική υγιεινή κ.α.) γίνεται διόρθωσή τους ανώδυνα και χωρίς μετεγχειρητικές δυσκολίες για τον ασθενή με τη χρήση λεπτών εξειδικευμένων εργαλείων, Laser, ραδιοκυματικής ή άλλων τεχνικών και εφαρμογών προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί το κατά δυνατόν ιδανικό αποτέλεσμα.
Σε πολύ ειδικές περιπτώσεις εφαρμόζονται οστεοτομίες του τύπου Le Fort I (impaction της άνω γνάθου) σε συνδυασμό με διόρθωση σκελετικής φύσης διαταραχή.
Derma lift
This term refers to smile makeover by reshaping and aligning teeth that are worn, cracked, discolored due to external factors or due to age, either combined with cosmetic procedures on the gums (cosmetic gum surgery) or not.
In other words, the modern way of “reshaping” the color-shape relationship and alignment of the teeth in relation to the other peristomal structures (lips, nose, beard) is applied.
It is worth noting that at Stoma Gnathos, for this specific service, the implementation of a special program is proposed by which the result can be illustrated before the intervention.
In any case, however, the service is provided based on the desire of the interested client, always within the framework of what is possible.
Placing of rhinestones on one or more front teeth, painlessly and without causing any damage to the tooth surface.
There is a variety of different shapes and sizes of rhinestones that can be chosen.