Your oral hygiene and your smile are our priority!
- General Dentistry
- Dental and smile aesthetics- Smile Design
- Implants
- Teeth Whitening
- Prevention – Paedodontics
In the modern Dental Clinic “Stoma Gnathos” all procedures related to general dentistry are carried out, with fast and excellent results.
In modern lifestyle, oral health provides a kind of “social passport” to achieve general improvement in living standards.
Implants are units that replace the root of a missing tooth(s). They consist of the metal titanium which is a biologically completely acceptable material.
Teeth whitening is a significant element of cosmetic dentistry and smile brightness.
In order to achieve the best protection of the teeth (new and permanent) from caries, and therefore the prevention of their destruction, teeth get fluoridated and the chewing surfaces of the molars are coated (sealants).